
What Is Plot ?

  • The plot is how the author arranges events to develop his basic idea
  • It is the sequence of events in a story or play
  • The plot is a planned, logical series of events having a beginning, middle, and end.
  • There are five essential parts of plot

  • The beginning of the story where the characters and the setting is revealed.
Rising Action
  • Events in the story become complicated and the conflict in the story is revealed.
  • The highest point of interest and the turning point of the story. The reader wonders what will happen next; will the conflict be resolved or not.
Falling Action
  • The events and complications begin to resolve. The reader knows what will happen next and if the conflict was resolved or not.
  • This is the final outcome or untangling of events in the story.



  • Lucy goes for an interview at Ross and Bannister's.
  • She gets a job as a secretary.
  • However, she is not aware that the previous staff left one day after working there.
  • She goes home to tell her mother that she already gets a job and her mother is surprised but very pleased for Lucy.

    Rising Action 

    • On her first day at work, Lucy starts typing letters but she cannot complete her typing because the typewriter seems to be haunted.
    • While typing letters, 'QWERTYUIOP' keep popping up on the paper and this frustrates her a lot but she is determined to do her typing.
    • The spirit types threatening words at her and it tells her that it is the spirit of Miss Broome.
    • Lucy is puzzled and wonders who is behind this.


      • Lucy asks Mr Darke about Miss Broome.
      • She finds out from him that Miss Broome had worked there for 43 years.
      • One day, Miss Broome was sacked suddenly. She could not accept the boss's decision, therefore her spirit came back to haunt the secretaries after her.
      • Feeling sorry for the old secretary, Lucy communicates with Miss Broome's spirit.
      • She types and tells the spirit the reason her previous boss had asked her to leave - He liked her work but he was worried about her health.

      Falling Action

      • Hearing all this from Lucy, Miss Broome's spirit becomes silent.
      • Lucy takes this chance and types a goodbye note to her.
      • She folds the letter into a paper dart and throws it out of the window.
      • It is carried away by the wind and this is the last of Miss Broome's spirit. 


        • Lucy does well in her job as she manages to complete her typing on time.
        • Mr Ross is happy with her work.